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The Flyfords

Our Next Meeting: 19th November, 2024

Standing Orders

23rd May, 2023


  1. 1.0 Planning Matters
  2. 2.0 (Finance Matters) General
  3. 3.0 Annual Estimates (Budget)
  4. 4.0 Budgetary Control
  5. 5.0 Accounting and Audit
  6. 6.0 Banking Arrangements and Cheques
  7. 7.0 Payment of Accounts
  8. 8.0 Payment of Salaries
  9. 9.0 Loans and Investments
  10. 10.0 Income
  11. 11.0 Orders for Work, Goods and Services
  12. 12.0 Contracts
  13. 13.0 Payments Under Contracts for Building Or Other Construction Works
  14. 14.0 Stores and Equipment
  15. 15.0 Assets, Properties and Investments
  16. 16.0 Insurance
  17. 17.0 Charities
  18. 18.0 Risk Management
  19. 19.0 Revision of Finacial Regulations
  20. 20.0 (Staffing Commitee) General
  21. 21.0 Matters for Recommendation to the Council
  22. 22.0 Matters for Delegation to the Staffing Committe
  23. 23.0 Complaints Procedure
  24. 24.0 Communication of Parish Council Business
  25. 25.0 Biodiversity and Environmental Policy

1.0 Planning Matters

  1. 1.1 Minor planning applications are to be dealt with by the clerk under delegated powers following consultation with councillors for that particular parish. Each councillor will have the opportunity to comment in writing and will be provided with a copy of the application drawings and any other relevant information they may require by the clerk.
  2. 1.2 All comments will be returned to the clerk within 14 days of circulation of the application.
  3. 1.3 The clerk will respond to the planning authority following consultation with councillors.
  4. 1.4 The clerk will report the summarised comments to the next council meeting. The written comments from councillors will be destroyed following reporting of comments.
  5. 1.5 The chairman will be invited to comment on all planning applications.
  6. 1.6 Significant planning applications will be dealt with at full council. If there is no appropriate scheduled meeting arranged, an extraordinary meeting will be called to consider the application. A site visit will be arranged by the clerk if appropriate
  7. 1.7 The comment to be returned to the planning authority will be formulated at the meeting unless the meeting agrees to delegate to the clerk.
  8. 1.8 The full council, or in the case of a minor application the clerk may decide to submit an oral comment to the development control committee. This will ordinarily be delegated to the clerk unless full council decide otherwise.
  9. 1.9 For the purposes of this standing order a significant planning application is one that:
    • Effects more than one parish
    • Involves the modification, extension or addition to a listed building or is within the curtilage of a listed building. (This would not include like for like replacement of windows or similar)
    • The construction of a new dwelling(s)
    • The introduction of any new commercial or industrial process
    • Alterations to the highway
  10. 1.10 Any councillor or the clerk may ask for any application to be considered by full council if there is significant public interest in doing so.
  11. 1.11 The clerk shall report all comments and decisions to full council at the next meeting following notification. Details of the planning matters to be discussed or reported will be given on the agenda and posted in the parish three clear working days before the meeting.
  12. 1.12 If a Parish Councillor raises a declaration of interest concerning a Planning Application which is dealt with outside of a Parish Council Meeting that declaration should be registered at the following meeting.

Finance Matters

Finacial Regulations

2.0 General

  1. 2.1 These financial regulations govern the conduct of financial management by the Council and may only be amended or varied by resolution of the Council. The council is responsible in law for ensuring that its financial management is adequate and effective and that the council has a sound system of financial control, which facilitates the effective exercise of the council’s functions, including arrangements for the management of risk and for the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption. These financial regulations are designed to demonstrate how the council meets these responsibilities
  2. 2.2 The Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) is a statutory office and shall be appointed by the council. [The Clerk has been appointed as RFO for this council and these regulations will apply accordingly.] The RFO, acting under the policy direction of the Council, shall administer the Council's financial affairs in accordance with proper practices. The RFO shall determine on behalf of the council its accounting records, and accounting control systems. The RFO shall ensure that the accounting control systems are observed and that the accounting records of the council are maintained and kept up to date in accordance with proper practices.
  3. 2.3 The RFO shall produce financial management information as required by the council.
  4. 2.4 At least once a year, prior to approving the annual return, the council shall conduct a review of the effectiveness of its system of internal control which shall be in accordance with proper practices. The council shall also appoint a minimum of two councillors to review its investments in respect to Security – Liquidity – Yield and report to full council at each Annual General Meeting or as required by full council.
  5. 2.5 In these financial regulations, references to the Accounts and Audit Regulations shall mean the Regulations issued under the provisions of section 27 of the Audit Commission Act 1998 and then in force.
  6. 2.6 In these financial regulations the term ‘proper practice’ or 'proper practices' shall refer to guidance issued in Governance and Accountability in local Councils in England and Wales – a Practitioners' Guide which is published jointly by NALC and SLCC and updated from time to time. The council's investments will be administered with regard to part 1 and 2 of Guidance on Local Government Investments Issued under section 15(1)(a) of the Local Government Act 2003 and effective from 1 April 2010. Should the council investment exceed £500,000 the full requirements of the guidance will apply.

3.0 Annual Estimates (Budget)

  1. 3.1 [Each Committee (if any) shall formulate and submit proposals to the Council in respect of revenue and capital including the use of reserves and sources of funding for the following financial year not later than the end of November each year.]
  2. 3.2 Detailed estimates of all receipts and payments including the use of reserves and all sources of funding for the year shall be prepared each year by the RFO in the form of a budget to be considered by the council.
  3. 3.3 The Council shall review the budget not later than the end of January each year and shall fix the Precept to be levied for the ensuing financial year. The RFO shall issue the precept to the billing authority and shall supply each member with a copy of the approved budget.
  4. 3.4 The annual budgets shall form the basis of financial control for the ensuing year.
  5. 3.5 The Council shall consider the need for and shall have regard to a three year forecast of Revenue and Capital Receipts and Payments which may be prepared at the same time as the annual Budget.

4.0 Budgetary Control

  1. 4.1 The RFO shall regularly provide the Council with a statement of receipts and payments to date under each head of the budgets, comparing actual expenditure to the appropriate date against that planned as shown in the budget. These statements are to be prepared at least at the end of each financial quarter.
  2. 4.2 The Clerk may incur expenditure on behalf of the Council which is necessary to carry out any repair replacement or other work which is of such extreme urgency that it must be done at once, whether or not there is any budgetary provision for the expenditure, subject to a limit of £200. The Clerk shall report the action to the Council as soon as practicable thereafter. No further expenditure may be incurred until after the return to council.
  3. 4.3 Unspent provisions in the revenue budget shall not be carried forward to a subsequent year unless placed in an earmarked reserve by resolution of the council.
  4. 4.4 No expenditure shall be incurred in relation to any capital project and no contract entered into or tender accepted involving capital expenditure unless the Council is satisfied that the necessary funds are available, or the requisite borrowing approval has been obtained.
  5. 4.5 All capital works shall be administered in accordance with the Council's standing orders and financial regulations relating to contracts

5.0 Accounting and Audit

  1. 5.1 All accounting procedures and financial records of the Council shall be determined by the RFO in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations.
  2. 5.2 The RFO shall complete the annual financial statements of the Council, including the council’s annual return, as soon as practicable after the end of the financial year and shall submit them and report thereon to the Council.
  3. 5.3 The RFO shall complete the Accounts of the Council contained in the Annual Return (as supplied by the Auditor appointed from time to time by the Audit Commission) and shall submit the Annual Return for approval and authorisation by the Council within the timescales set by the Accounts and Audit Regulations.
  4. 5.4 The RFO shall ensure that there is adequate and effective system of internal audit of the Council's accounting, financial and other operations in accordance with proper practices. Any officer or member of the Council shall, if the RFO or Internal Auditor requires, make available such documents of the Council which appear to the RFO or Internal Auditor to be necessary for the purpose of the internal audit and shall supply the RFO or Internal Auditor with such information and explanation as the RFO or Internal Auditor considers necessary for that purpose.
  5. 5.5 The Internal Auditor shall be appointed by and shall carry out the work required by the council in accordance with proper practices. The Internal Auditor, who shall be competent and independent of the operations of the Council, shall report to Council in writing, or in person, on a regular basis with a minimum of one annual written report in respect of each financial year. In order to demonstrate objectivity and independence, the internal auditor shall be free from any conflicts of interest and have no involvement in the financial decision making, management or control of the council.
  6. 5.6 The RFO shall make arrangements for the opportunity for inspection of the accounts, books, and vouchers and for the display or publication of any Notices and statements of account required by Audit Commission Act 1998 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations.
  7. 5.7 The RFO shall, as soon as practicable, bring to the attention of all councillors any correspondence or report from the Internal or External Auditor, unless the correspondence is of a purely administrative matter.
  8. 5.8 Council shall appoint a member to be present at the annual internal audit and the clerk shall make available all financial records as requested.

6.0 Banking Arrangements and Cheques

  1. 6.1 The Council's banking arrangements, including the Bank Mandate, shall be made by the RFO and approved by the Council. They shall be regularly reviewed for efficiency.
  2. 6.2 A schedule of the payments required, forming part of the Agenda for the Meeting, shall e prepared by the RFO and, together with the relevant invoices, be presented to Council. If the schedule is in order it shall be authorised by a resolution of the Council and shall be initialled by the Chairman of the Meeting. If more appropriate the detail may be shown in the Minutes of the Meeting.
  3. 6.3 Cheques drawn on the bank account in accordance with the schedule referred to in paragraph 5.2 or in accordance with paragraph 6.4, shall be signed by two members of Council [,and countersigned by the Clerk]
  4. 6.4 To indicate agreement of the details shown on the cheque or order for payment with the counterfoil and the invoice or similar documentation, the signatories shall each also initial the cheque counterfoil.

7.0 Payment of Accounts

  1. 7.1 All payments shall be effected by cheque or other order drawn on the Council's bankers.
  2. 7.2 All invoices for payment shall be examined, verified and certified by the Clerk. The Clerk shall satisfy him/herself that the work, goods or services to which the invoice relates shall have been received, carried out, examined and approved.
  3. 7.3 The RFO shall examine invoices in relation to arithmetic accuracy and shall analyse them to the appropriate expenditure heading. The Clerk shall take all steps to settle all invoices submitted, and which are in order, at the next available Council Meeting.
  4. 7.4 If a payment is necessary to avoid a charge to interest under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, and the due date for payment is before the next scheduled Meeting of Council, where the Clerk and RFO certify that there is no dispute or other reason to delay payment, the Clerk may (notwithstanding para 6.3) take all steps necessary to settle such invoices provided that a list of such payments shall be submitted to the next appropriate meeting of Council.
  5. 7.5 The Council will not maintain any form of cash float. All cash received must be banked intact. Any payments made in cash by the Clerk or RFO (for example for postage or minor stationery items) shall be refunded on a regular basis, at least quarterly.
  6. alternatively
  7. 7.5 The RFO may provide petty cash to officers for the purpose of defraying operational and other expenses. Vouchers for payments made shall be forwarded to the RFO with aclaim for reimbursement:
    • (a) The RFO may maintain as petty cash float of £100 for the purpose of defraying operational and other expenses. Vouchers for payments made from petty cash shall be kept to substantiate the payment.
    • (b) Income received must not be paid into the petty cash float but must be separately banked, as provided elsewhere in these regulations.
    • (c) Payments to maintain the petty cash float shall be shown separately on the schedule of payments presented to Council under 5.2 above.
  8. 7.6 If thought appropriate by the council, payment for utility supplies (energy, telephone and water) may be made by variable Direct Debit provided that the instructions are signed by two members and any payments are reported to council as made. The approval of the use of a variable Direct Debit shall be renewed by resolution of the council at least every two years

8.0 Payment of Salaries

  1. 8.1 As an employer, the council shall make arrangements to meet fully the statutory requirements placed on all employers by PAYE and National Insurance legislation. The payment of all salaries shall be made in accordance with payroll records and the rules of PAYE and National Insurance currently operating, and salaries shall be as agreed by Council.
  2. 8.2 Payment of salaries and payment of deductions from salary such as may be made for tax, national insurance and pension contributions, may be made in accordance with the payroll records and on the appropriate dates stipulated in employment contracts, provided that each payment is reported to and ratified by the next available Council Meeting.

9.0 Loans and Investments

  1. 9.1 All loans and investments shall be negotiated by the RFO in the name of the Council and shall be for a set period in accordance with Council policy.
  2. 9.2 When investing its funds the council shall first ensure that it has regard to security. The council will not be bound to placing its surplus funds in High Street deposit accounts but if full council agrees it may use the services of a bone fide investment manager (stock broker) and will only make investments through a fully managed fund to spread and minimize risk. Any appointment will be on an annual basis in accordance with clause 2.4.
  3. 9.3 Furthermore when investing its funds the council will have regard for liquidity and will ensure that it has sufficient liquid assets to pay one year’s bills as determined under section 3. The council will also ensure that any long term investment commitment can be reviewed annually and be accessed without an unacceptable forfeit.
  4. 9.4 When investing its funds the council will also have regard to yield and demonstrate that it has taken a responsible position following advice from its financial advisors.
  5. 9.5 When investing its funds the council will also have regard to an ethical investment policy and will instruct its investment manager accordingly and may include positive and negative screening as the council may from time to time decide.
  6. 9.6 When engaging the services of an investment manager or financial advisor the full terms of the appointment will be agreed by council in accordance with clauses 11 & 12.
  7. 9.7 The council may draw from its investments on an annual basis (or otherwise as required) as requested by the RFO and agreed at full council.
  8. 9.8 The chairman and vice chairman (or other members as determined by full council) will act as signatories for all transactions concerned with investments for the council.
  9. 9.9 All borrowings shall be effected in the name of the Council, after obtaining any necessary borrowing approval. Any application for borrowing approval shall be approved by Council as to terms and purpose. The terms and conditions of borrowings shall be reviewed at least annually.
  10. 9.10 All investment certificates and other documents relating thereto shall be retained in the custody of the RFO.

10.0 Income

  1. 10.1 The collection of all sums due to the Council shall be the responsibility of and under the supervision of the RFO.
  2. 10.2 Particulars of all charges to be made for work done, services rendered or goods supplied shall be agreed annually by the Council, notified to the RFO and the RFO shall be responsible for the collection of all accounts due to the Council.
  3. 10.3 The Council will review all fees and charges annually, following a report of the Clerk.
  4. 10.4 Any sums found to be irrecoverable and any bad debts shall be reported to the Council and shall be written off in the year.
  5. 10.5 All sums received on behalf of the Council shall be banked intact as directed by the RFO. In all cases, all receipts shall be deposited with the Council's bankers with such frequency as the RFO considers necessary.
  6. 10.6 The origin of each receipt shall be entered on the paying-in slip.
  7. 10.7 Personal cheques shall not be cashed out of money held on behalf of the Council.
  8. 10.8 The RFO shall promptly complete any VAT Return that is required. Any repayment claim due in accordance with VAT Act 1994 section 33 shall be made at least annually coinciding with the financial year end.
  9. 10.9 Where any significant sums of cash are regularly received by the Council, the RFO shall take such steps as are agreed by the Council to ensure that more than one person is present when the cash is counted in the first instance, that there is a reconciliation to some form of control such as ticket issues, and that appropriate care is taken in the security and safety of individuals banking such cash.

11.0 Orders for Work, Goods and Services

  1. 11.1 An official order or letter shall be issued for all work, goods and services unless a formal contract is to be prepared or an official order would be inappropriate. Copies of orders shall be retained.
  2. 11.2 Order books shall be controlled by the RFO.
  3. 11.3 All members and Officers are responsible for obtaining value for money at all times. An officer issuing an official order shall ensure as far as reasonable and practicable that the best available terms are obtained in respect of each transaction, usually by obtaining three or more quotations or estimates from appropriate suppliers, subject to any de minimis provisions in Regulation 11 (I) below.
  4. 11.4 The RFO shall verify the lawful nature of any proposed purchase before the issue of any order, and in the case of new or infrequent purchases or payments, the RFO shall ensure that the statutory authority shall be reported to the meeting at which the order is approved so that the Minutes can record the power being used

12.0 Contracts

  1. 12.1 Procedures as to contracts are laid down as follows:
    • (a) Every contract shall comply with these financial regulations, and no exceptions shall be made otherwise than in an emergency provided that these regulations shall not apply to contracts which relate to items (i) to (vi) below:
      • for the supply of gas, electricity, water, sewerage and telephone services;
      • for specialist services such as are provided by solicitors, accountants, surveyors and planning consultants;
      • for work to be executed or goods or materials to be supplied which consist of repairs to or parts for existing machinery or equipment or plant;
      • for work to be executed or goods or materials to be supplied which constitute an extension of an existing contract by the Council;
      • for additional audit work of the external Auditor up to an estimated value of £250 (in excess of this sum the Clerk and RFO shall act after consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Council);
      • for goods or materials proposed to be purchased which are proprietary articles and/or are only sold at a fixed price.
    • (b) Where it is intended to enter into a contract exceeding [£5,000] in value for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works or specialist services other than such goods, materials, works or specialist services as are excepted as set out in paragraph (a) the Clerk shall invite tenders from at least three firms to be taken from the appropriate approved list.
    • (c) When applications are made to waive financial regulations relating to contracts to enable a price to be negotiated without competition the reason shall be embodied in a recommendation to the Council.
    • (d) Such invitation to tender shall state the general nature of the intended contract and the Clerk shall obtain the necessary technical assistance to prepare a specification in appropriate cases. The invitation shall in addition state that tenders must be addressed to the Clerk in the ordinary course of post. Each tendering firm shall be supplied with a specifically marked envelope in which the tender is to be sealed and remain sealed until the prescribed date for opening tenders for that contract.
    • (e) All sealed tenders shall be opened at the same time on the prescribed date by the Clerk in the presence of at least one member of Council.
    • (f) If less than three tenders are received for contracts above [£50,000] or if all the tenders are identical the Council may make such arrangements as it thinks fit for procuring the goods or materials or executing the works
    • (g) Any invitation to tender issued under this regulation shall contain a statement to the effect of Standing Orders 61, 63 and 64.
    • (h) When it is to enter into a contract less than £5,000 in value for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works or specialist services other than such goods, materials, works or specialist services as are excepted as set out in paragraph (a) the Clerk or RFO shall where possible obtain 3 quotations (priced descriptions of the proposed supply); where the value is below £1,000 and above £100 the Clerk or RFO shall strive to obtain 3 estimates. Otherwise, Regulation 10 (3) above shall apply
    • (i) The Council shall not be obliged to accept the lowest or any tender, quote or estimate.

13.0 Payments Under Contracts for Building Or Other Construction Works

  1. 13.1 Payments on account of the contract sum shall be made within the time specified in the contract by the RFO upon authorised certificates of the architect or other consultants engaged to supervise the contract (subject to any percentage withholding as may be agreed in the particular contract).
  2. 13.2 Where contracts provide for payment by instalments the RFO shall maintain a record of all such payments. In any case where it is estimated that the total cost of work carried out under a contract, excluding agreed variations, will exceed the contract sum of 5% or more a report shall be submitted to the Council.
  3. 13.3 Any variation to a contract or addition to or omission from a contract must be approved by the Council and Clerk to the Contractor in writing, the Council being informed where the final cost is likely to exceed the financial provision.]

14.0 Stores and Equipment

  1. 14.1 The officer in charge of each section shall be responsible for the care and custody of stores and equipment in that section.
  2. 14.2 Delivery Notes shall be obtained in respect of all goods received into store or otherwise delivered and goods must be checked as to order and quality at the time delivery is made.
  3. 14.3 Stocks shall be kept at the minimum levels consistent with operational requirements.
  4. 14.4 The RFO shall be responsible for periodic checks of stocks and stores at least annually.

15.0 Assets, Properties and Investments

  1. 15.1 The Clerk shall make appropriate arrangements for the custody of all title deeds of properties owned by the Council. The RFO shall ensure a record is maintained of all properties owned by the Council, recording the location, extent, plan, reference, purchase details, nature of the interest, tenancies granted, rents payable and purpose for which held in accordance with Accounts and Audit Regulations.
  2. 15.2 No property shall be sold, leased or otherwise disposed of without the authority of the Council, together with any other consents required by law, save where the estimated value of any one item of tangible movable property does not exceed £50.
  3. 15.3 The RFO shall ensure that an appropriate and accurate Register of Assets and Investments is kept up to date. The continued existence of tangible assets shown in the Register shall be verified at least annually, possibly in conjunction with a health and safety inspection of assets.
  4. 15.4 A regular weekly visual inspection of our play equipment shall be carried out by the Parish Council.
  5. 15.5 A quarterly inspection of our play equipment shall be carried out by the Parish Council. This will look particularly for any vandalism or wear of the equipment.
  6. 15.6 An annual independent inspection of our play equipment shall be arranged by the Parish Council as recommended by ROSPA.
  7. 15.7 Any significant defects found when inspecting our play equipment shall be promptly remedied.

16.0 Insurance

  1. 16.1 Following the annual risk assessment (per Financial Regulation 17), the RFO shall effect all insurances and negotiate all claims on the Council's insurers [in consultation with the Clerk].
  2. 16.2 [The Clerk shall give prompt notification to the RFO of all new risks, properties or vehicles which require to be insured and of any alterations affecting existing insurances.]
  3. 16.3 The RFO shall keep a record of all insurances effected by the Council and the property and risks covered thereby and annually review it.
  4. 16.4 The RFO shall be notified of any loss liability or damage or of any event likely to lead to a claim, and shall report these to Council at the next available meeting.
  5. 16.5 All appropriate employees of the Council shall be included in a suitable fidelity guarantee insurance which shall cover the maximum risk exposure as determined by the Council.
  6. 16.6 Insurance shall include suitable public liability cover for public use of all Parish Council assets including play equipment.

17.0 Charities

  1. 17.1 Where the Council is sole trustee of a Charitable body the Clerk and RFO shall ensure that separate accounts are kept of the funds held on charitable trusts and separate financial reports made in such form as shall be appropriate, in accordance with Charity Law and legislation, or as determined by the Charity Commission. The Clerk and RFO shall arrange for any Audit or Independent Examination as may be required by Charity Law or any Governing Document.]

18.0 Risk Management

  1. 18.1 The council is responsible for putting in place arrangements for the management of risk. The Clerk [with the RFO] shall prepare, for approval by the council, risk management policy statements in respect of all activities of the council. Risk policy statements and consequential risk management arrangements shall be reviewed by the council at least annually including confirmation of the value of required insurance cover.
  2. 18.2 When considering any new activity, the Clerk [with the RFO] shall prepare a draft risk assessment including risk management proposals for consideration and adoption by the council.

19.0 Revision of Finacial Regulations

  1. 19.1 It shall be the duty of the Council to review the Financial Regulations of the Council from time to time. The Clerk shall make arrangements to monitor changes in legislation or proper practices and shall advise the council of any requirement for a consequential amendment to these financial regulations.

Staffing Commitee

20.0 General

  1. 20.1 The Staffing Committee will consist of at least three Councillors appointed by full Council.
    • (a) The committee to serve for the election of the council.
  2. 20.2 The Committee will be mindful:
    • Equal opportunities and of the legal framework for and good practice in employment matters
    • the confidential nature of employer-employee matters and that many of the items for consideration will require that the public and press be excluded by resolution of the Committee
    • of the nationally negotiated model contract and terms and conditions for the employment of the Clerk to the Council
    • of the CALC model Member-Officer Protocol
    • that the Clerk is the Line Manager for all other staff.

21.0 Matters for Recommendation to the Council

The Committee will receive reports from the Clerk and make recommendations to Council regarding:

  1. 21.1 Staffing & office requirements
  2. 21.2 Budget allocation
  3. 21.2 All policy issues relating to staff

22.0 Matters for Delegation to the Staffing Committe

  1. 22.1 The Committee will receive reports from the Clerk and will:
    1. be responsible for staff recruitment
    2. confirm individual Contracts of Employment and all terms and conditions.
    3. make arrangements for regular objective review of the Clerk’s performance by the Chairman (and Vice Chairman) of Council and take necessary action thereon.
    4. consider other staff reviews undertaken by the Clerk and take necessary action thereon.
    5. recommend annual salary awards to full council.
    6. consider matters arising from the application of the Council’s Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures and take all necessary action thereon.
    7. as and when required under the Council’s Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures, appoint an Appeals Panel, whose members will not be members of the Staffing Committee, and appoint the Chairman of the Appeals Panel who will initiate an Appeals Panel Meeting.
    8. Consider recommendations from the Appeal Panel and take necessary actions thereon.

23.0 Complaints Procedure

  1. 23.1 If a complaint about procedures or administration is notified orally to a Local Councillor or to the Clerk and they cannot satisfy the complainant fully forthwith the complainant shall be asked to put the complaint in writing to the Clerk and the complainant assured that it will be dealt with promptly after receipt.
  2. 23.2 If a complainant prefers not to put the complaint to the Clerk, s/he shall be advised to put it to the Chairman.
  3. 23.3 On receipt of a written complaint the Clerk or Chairman, as the case may be, shall (except where the complaint is about his/her own actions) try to settle the complaint directly with the complainant but shall not do so in respect of a complaint about the behaviour of the Clerk or Councillor without first notifying the person complained of and giving him/her an opportunity for comment on the manner in which it is intended to attempt to settle the complaint.
  4. 23.4 Where the Clerk or Chairman receives a written complaint about his or her own actions s/he shall forthwith refer the complaint to the Council.
  5. 23.5 The Clerk or Chairman shall report to the next meeting of the Council any written complaint disposed of by direct action with the complainant.
  6. 23.6 The Clerk or Chairman shall bring any written complaint which has not been settled to the next meeting of the Council and the Clerk shall notify the complainant of the date on which the complaint will be considered, and the complainant shall be offered an opportunity to explain the complaint orally.
  7. 23.7 The Council shall consider whether the circumstances attending any complaint warrant the matter being discussed in the absence of the press and public but any decision on a complaint shall be announced at the Council meeting in public
  8. 23.8 As soon as may be after the decision has been made it and the nature of any action to be taken shall be communicated in writing to the complainant
  9. 23.9 A Council shall defer dealing with any written complaint only if it is of the opinion that issues of law or practice arise on which advice is necessary from CALC or other source of legal advice. The complaint shall be dealt with at the next meeting after the advice has been received
  10. 23.10 Summary of complaints received during the year will be included in the Annual Report

24.0 Communication of Parish Council Business

  1. 24.1 The parish council shall maintain a website dedicated to the three villages for the purpose of publishing public notices, notices of meetings, publication of matters necessary under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000, and community news specifically pertaining to the three parishes of Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford and North Piddle.
  2. 24.2 In accordance with paragraph 3bi of the council’s standing orders it is resolved that the proper officer shall electronically summons councilors to meetings confirming the time, date and venue and agenda at least three working days before the meeting.
  3. 24.3 In accordance with paragraph 3bii of the council’s standing orders it is resolved that the proper officer will post public notices of meetings on thecouncil website, notice boards and circulate to e-mail groups, confirming the time, date and venue and agenda at least three working days before meetings.
  4. 24.4 The proper officer will be responsible for maintaining the function and content of the website and will have powers to engage professional assistance as required and to delegate responsibility for some or all of the content as he/she sees fit.
  5. 24.5 The website will not carry commercial advertisements, adverts for political or religious parties or groups unless expressly authorized by resolution of the parish council.
  6. 24.6 Similarly no political or religious group will be promoted on the parish council notice boards with the exception of the name and contact details of the elected representatives for the area.
  7. 24.7 A link will be maintained from the parish council website to the Flyford Group of Churches website, Wychavon District Council and The Three Villages Hall.
  8. 24.8 For the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, agendas, minutes and annual reports will be filed on the parish council website and sent to email groups. Accounts and other parish council correspondence will be available as stated in the appropriate standing order.
  9. 24.9 Where a planning application appears on an agenda a link will be given to the Wychavon District Council Planning Applications Website.
  10. 24.10 The parish council shall be at liberty to appoint a community author to prepare articles and notices concerning events and matters of interest in the three villages which will be posted on the website. If this author is employed by the PC the employment will be subject to the standard NALC contract of employment.
  11. 24.11 In accordance with paragraph 28 the proper officer and chairman shall from time to time place updates of parish council matters in the local newssheet. (Currently the Flyford Family News).

25.0 Biodiversity and Environmental Policy

25.1 Background

In accordance with the duty imposed on Town and Parish Councils by section 40 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006, updated by section 102 of the Environment Act 2021, the Flyfords Parish Council must, in exercising its function, have regard, so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of those functions, to the purpose of conserving biodiversity.

25.2 What is biodiversity and why is it important?

Biodiversity is the variety of all life on earth. It boosts ecosystem productivity and is recognized as an essential but diminishing resource. Its’ loss can have considerable consequences for communities and habitats. It is essential for human existence and for a flourishing countryside. Biodiversity provides us with a wide range of goods and services which support our economic and social well-being. These include essentials such as food, fresh water and clean air, but also protection against natural disasters, regulation of our climate, purification of our water and pollination of our crops. In the countryside flower-rich meadows have been lost and hedgerows destroyed. Restoring nature is critical to reversing the loss of biodiversity and to influencing climate change. As a community we can make a difference by embracing and enhancing the natural habitats around us, setting the right example for future generations.

25.3 The Local Area

The parish council serves the rural villages of Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford and North Piddle plus the hamlet of Libbery. The parish is mainly open countryside with numerous wooded areas, hedges, ditches, streams and farmland. Within the parish is the renowned Grafton Wood, an ancient woodland managed by the Butterfly Conservation group and Worcestershire Wildlife Trust. It is home to a huge variety of flora and fauna, including the rare brown hairstreak butterfly.

Adjacent to the parish and just east of Flyford Flavell is the Portway Farm Meadows SSSI, two meadows overlying a medieval ridge and furrow system containing semi- natural grassland with a rich variety of herbs and grasses.

25.4 Parish Council Responsibilities

The parish council owns two pieces of land - the village green in the centre of Flyford Flavell and the swale (East of the houses on Flyford Green)

The Parish Council subscribes to the Worcestershire County Council Parish Lengthsman scheme. On behalf of the PC the lengthsman is responsible, amongst other things, for cutting back vegetation, unblocking gullies and cleaning road signs.

25.5 Aim

To enhance, protect and raise the profile of biodiversity within the parish, encouraging the whole community to participate, and to make biodiversity an integral part of all decision making.

25.6 Objectives

25.7 Planning Applications

The council will:

25.8 Land and property management

The council will:

25.9 Local Community

The council will:

25.10 Partners

The council will: