Local Area
Here is some information on the local area within our Parish, including the wildlife and walks you may find enjoyable.

Flyford Flavell
Flyford Flavell is a scattered village that lies on the just off the A422, and on another road branching southward from it is Bishampton. The church is on the Worcester road, in the west of the village, near the highest point of the parish, where the land is 200 ft. above the ordnance datum.

Grafton Flyford
Grafton Flyford a 1,680 acre parish of which 372 are arable land, 1,040 permanent grass, and 162 woods and plantations. It is on the Lower Lias formation, and the chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and fruit. In the southeast are Grafton Woods which are renowned for attracting butterflies including the brown hairstreak.

North Piddle
North Piddle is a very small parish bounded by Piddle Brook on the west and south-west. The surface of the land is flat, the highest point (200 ft.) being near the eastern boundary. The soil is marl and loam on a subsoil of Lower Lias, and the chief crops are wheat, beans and fruit.
Three Parishes Hall
The Three Parishes Hall serves the parishes of Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford and North Piddle. The original building from our records dates back to 1639 where it was a school and later then used for the wider community. Since October 2020, it has undergone extensive refurbishment and will be reopening on the 17th of May 2021.
The hall is set in an idyllic rural situation, with delightful views across the Worcestershire countryside, just off the A422 Worcester to Stratford road and only five miles from Junction 6 of the M5 motorway.
For more information on what classes are running here and how to book for all occasions including weddings and birthday parties please visit theflyfordshall.com or email [email protected]
Grafton Wood
Grafton Wood is the largest of the remnants of Feckenham Forest. It is a nature reserve jointly owned by Worcestershire Wildlife Trust and Butterfly Conservation with SSSI status. It comprises approximately 150 acres of hazel and ash coppice with oak standards. The wood was previously owned by the Croome Estate who, apart from planting two small plots of conifers and leasing the shooting rights, undertook very little management work. Coppice management has now been reintroduced in the centre of the wood and the rides have been opened up to allow more light to reach woodland floor. This will encourage a better flora and therefore more invertebrates. The management work is done partly by professionals financed from grants and also a good deal of volunteer work from members of the two organisations. Since its purchase in 1997, the wildlife has improved considerably. Surveys of the birdlife, butterfly populations, flora and small mammals are carried out by volunteers year to monitor the effects of management.
To find out more about Grafton Wood please visit the Worcestershire Wildlife Trust
Grafton Wood — Butterflies
Woodland is a very important habitat for Britain's butterflies with the best woods in southern England supporting upwards of 30 species. Historically, some of the richest woods for butterflies and moths were those where regular woodland management meant that trees were cut on rotation, creating areas open to the sun where wild flowers and shrubs, many of which were used for nectaring and egg-laying, could flourish. This form of woodland management known as coppicing has mainly died out and most of our woods have become dark and shady places, largely unsuitable for insects and also plants which require open sunny areas in which to thrive. In parts of Grafton Wood, the old system of rotational coppicing is being reintroduced and some rides and tracks are being gradually widened to benefit insects requiring open and sunny conditions. Butterflies are the most obvious beneficiaries of this work.
To find out more about the butterfly conservation in Grafton Wood visit the Butterfly Conservation Charity
Grafton Wood — Woodland Management
A lot of the work done in Grafton Wood is undertaken by volunteers. This work includes coppicing, ride widening and maintenance. All helpers are welcome. To find out more please contact the Worcestershire Wildlife Trust
Local Parish Walks
The Grafton Rings are a number of circular walks starting and finishing at the Three Parishes Hall. View PDF
For walks further afield in Worcestershire from half a mile to twelve miles plus and a note of suitability for pushchairs and wheelchairs there are a number listed here https://www.walkinginengland.co.uk/worcestershire/
Marthas Walk
This walk is a favourite walk of a young resident of Grafton Flyford. She has described the walk as part of her Duke of Edinburgh award project. It is a varied walk through the best of the Worcestershire countryside, lasting around 2 hours and providing some wonderful long distance views. Dog walkers should note that there are several stiles on the route, some of which are not dog friendly.
Churches in our Parish
To find out more about the three churches in our Parish (St Peters in Flyford Flavell, St John the Baptist in Grafton Flyford and St. Michaels in North Piddle) including the services please visit A Chruch Near You