Notice of Public Meeting
8th February 2023
Notice of Public Meeting
To be held at Flyford Flavell Church on 16th February at 7:30pm
Andrew Short, John East and David Rhodes as appointed parish councillors for Flyford Flavell and Richard Davey, chairman of the parish council invite all residents of the parishes of Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford and North Piddle to a public meeting on 16th February at Flyford Flavell Church at 7.30pm.
The purpose of the meeting is to inform parishioners of the planning application for 4 live work units which is currently being determined on Radford Road, Flyford Flavell.
Planning Application No. W/22/02163/FUL
The parish council believes this application has significant implications for all residents in our parish and wish to draw resident’s attention to its concerns. The parish council has already opposed the application and our District Councillor is considering taking the matter to the planning committee for determination. In order to do this we must demonstrate local support for the objection.
Although the consultation period has closed it is not too late to voice your opinion and this meeting will be an opportunity to understand the detail and implications of the application.