Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held at The Flyford’s Hall on Tuesday 10th December 2024
David Waide
Andrew Short
David Rhodes
Sadie Densham
Richard Croxton
Mark Broughton-Taylor attended as clerk
Linda Robinson - District and County Councillor attended on Zoom
1. Apologies
Richard Davey
Alison Crickmore
2. Declaration of Interest
Alison Crickmore submitted a declaration of interest prior to the meeting as the applicant for application 24/02405/FUL is a friend.
David Rhodes declared an interest at the meeting as the application under discussion affects his property.
3. Public Participation
John Broderick spoke in support of his application W/24/02405/FUL. This application is for three houses and one bungalow and follows granting of Planning In Principle application number W/23/01778/PIP.
He stated that he had opted for 4 houses as this would be a development that he would be able to fund personally and some of the greenspace necessary for the Biodiversity Net Gain could be accommodated on site. Further units will have to be bought, possibly on a site near Malvern.
Members of the public queried the access requirement for emergency vehicles and the lack of affordable housing.
4. Planning Matters
To report comment
Mr J Broderick
Meadow Croft
Bishampton Road
Flyford Flavell
Full application for the construction of 4no. dwellings following Permission in Principle W/23/01778/PIP
Councillors held a full discussion concerning the application but noted that there was less public opposition from residents concerning this application than there had been for prior applications on the site.
Councillors accepted that a Decision In Principle had been granted on the site and restricted their comments to improving the application that was now up for discussion.
The clerk was asked to summarise the discussion into a detailed comment and circulate by email the following day for approval before submission.
Concern was also raised about the drainage system. The applicant commented that preliminary discussions had been held with Severn Trent and it appeared that satisfactory arrangements can be made.
Further comments are recorded in the comment subsequently submitted to Wychavon District Council.
Proposed David Waide
Seconded Sadie Densham
One abstention – All others in agreement
5. Date of Next Meeting
14th January 2025
Addendum: Comment Submitted to Wychavon District Council
Mr J Broderick
Meadow Croft
Bishampton Road
Flyford Flavell
- This is the official comment of Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford and North Piddle Parish Council.
- The Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford and North Piddle Parish Council wish to submit the following comments.
- The parish council discussed this application at an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday 10th December 2024. The applicant was in attendance.
- The parish council asked the applicant if the design of the development could be improved by designing three different houses instead of the three identical houses that are proposed. The applicant responded that an amendment could be made which would enhance the application. On the basis that a suitable amendment was forthcoming, the parish council would not object to the application for 4 dwellings.
- Concern was raised that the attenuation arrangements for storm water were not fully developed and further details should be provided before planning permission was granted.
- It was noted that the development would deplete biodiversity on site by more than 20% and that units would be bought in mitigation on a site in Malvern. The parish council is also unsure about the arrangements that should be made to ensure that the mitigation takes place and would appreciate some further guidance from the planning officer but this requirement should at least be secured by condition.
- The applicant was asked about the car charging points included in the application. It is understood that there is a lack of power capacity in the area and assurances should be sought to ensure that this provision can be provided prior to granting planning permission.
- Should the LPA be minded to grant planning permission for the 4 houses a condition to provide a CEMP should be made. This should particularly address hours of work and ensure that no parking of construction vehicles is allowed on the highway as the road is very restricted and close to the village school where parking is very difficult.