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The Flyfords

Our Next Meeting: 25th March, 2025


Minutes of the Meeting held at The Flyford’s Hall on Tuesday 14th January 2025


David Waide
Andrew Short
Richard Davey
David Rhodes
Sadie Densham
Alison Crickmore
Richard Croxton

Mark Broughton-Taylor attended as clerk

1. Apologies

Linda Robinson

2. Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

3. Public Participation

John Broderick updated the parish council concerning application W/24/02405/FUL. This application has now been withdrawn. A new application will be submitted in due course but this is likely to be for 9 houses as the LPA had raised concerns about the density of the development.

It was noted by a member of the public that the agenda was not on the website. The clerk apologised for this but did not know why it had not been added as it had been sent across to the webmaster last Wednesday. The clerk will investigate.

4. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of 19th November 2024 were approved with a minor amendment.

Proposed: David Waide
Seconded: Sadie Densham
All in favour

The minutes of the meeting of 10th December 2024 were approved.

Proposed: Sadie Densham
Seconded: Andrew Short
All in favour

6. Local Police Officer and Neighbourhood Watch

It was reported that Grafton Flyford and North Piddle are 8 houses short of the total required to instal Smartwater. It was agreed that we should persevere with trying to obtain the numbers needed to proceed.

7. Footpaths Officer

It was reported that Sarah Doughty was still waiting for training to be provided by the County Council before being able to take up the post of footpaths officer.

8. Flyford Green

The Christmas tree is to be removed this weekend.

It was noted that there had been some standing water in the area by the entrance and raised beds during the recent heavy storms. This had drained away quite quickly once the storms had abated.

A quote has been obtained for a toddler swing on the Green. Linda Robinson had agreed to fund this to the sum of £4,355.00 plus VAT. The clerk stated that he had been in touch with The Children’s Play Company who had provided the original equipment and they may be able to provide matching equipment for a similar price. Details will be provided shortly.

A budget for the Green committee was agreed at £4,232.77 plus any unspent funds from 2024.

Proposed: David Waide
Seconded: Andrew Short
All in favour

There was no update concerning the registration of the Green.

9. Flyfords Hall

The clerk reported that the Flyfords Hall had made a small loss last year but was still being well used. He hoped that it might be possible to expand the coffee morning and find some more daytime users. A recent grant application to upgrade the facilities for those with impaired mobility had been turned down but this will be resubmitted following advice from ‘Awards for All’.

10. Climate Change

The chairman reported that he had started contacting neighbouring parish councils concerning their experiences delivering climate projects and hoped to have more information available for the next meeting. There were some interesting projects at Crowle which he would investigate further.

11. Planning Matters

To report comment


Mr & Mrs Ling
Vine Cottage
North Piddle

Single Storey extension.

No objection.


Mr Richard Grainger
Bishampton Road
Flyford Flavell

Relocation of driveway and access.

No objection.

The chairman allowed an informal discussion about the development at Meadowcroft and it was agreed that a public meeting should be called once the formal application had been received.

12. Highways and Footpaths

Footpaths and Hedges

The clerk was asked to chase up the County Council concerning the work to the footpath over the Piddle Brook opposite the Flyford Arms.

Highways Safety and Transport Plan

Richard Croxton had presented the Flyford Flavell petition to the full council meeting of Worcestershire County Council on 9th January. He was accompanied by Alison Crickmore and the clerk. It was expected that a reply will be forthcoming in due course.

A meeting had been arranged by the clerk for the A422 parish councils to meet with John Campion (PCC) and Marc Bayliss (Cabinet member for Highways at WCC). This will take place at The Flyfords hall on 21st January 2025.

The Highways Working Group had meet and agreed the following priorities:

  • A second VAS for Flyford Flavell
  • A 3rd pole to be erected at the top of New Hill
  • Extend 30mph limit to Portway Cottage
  • Sharks Teeth to be painted on Bishampton Road
  • School flashing lights for 20 mph zone at school times.

The clerk reported that the school bus was now coming down North Piddle Lane and this was causing damage to the road due to its size. It has been reported to Highways who are looking into the matter.

13. Treasurer’s Report


Deposit Account: £10,863.47 Current Account: £4,002.09

Investment Fund

CCLA have offered an update meeting to discuss our investment. The investment has yielded well this year but the capitol value had diminished. The chairman reported that the CCLA website suggested that it was changing it’s investment policy to move from the commercial office market to hotels. The clerk will arrange a date for the chairman to meet.


The clerk had provided a draft budget to councillors prior to the meeting in order to inform the discussion concerning the precept.

Precept 2025/2026 - Required by 24th January 2025

The clerk had provided two worked examples for councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed to raise the budget requirement by the Rate of Inflation (RPI) of 3.2%. This will mean a slightly higher rate of increase in Band D Council Tax of 4.3% because the tax base has gone down.

14. Any Other Business

Richard Davey and David Rhodes indicated their intention to stand down as councillors at the May AGM.

The clerk asked if the date of the next meeting could be changed to 25th March. Councilors will consult their diaries and email their availability.

5. Date of Next Meeting

25th March 2025