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The Flyfords

Our Next Meeting: 25th March, 2025

Minutes of the Meeting held at The Flyford’s Hall on Tuesday 10th September 2024


David Waide
Andrew Short
Richard Davey
David Rhodes
Sadie Densham
Alison Crickmore Richard Croxton

Mark Broughton-Taylor attended as clerk

Linda Robinson - District and County Councillor

1. Apologies


2. Declaration of Interest


3. Public Participation


4. Minutes

The minutes of the meetings on July 16th were accepted as a true record of the meeting.

It was reported that sign on New Hill was obscured by undergrowth. The clerk to report this to the lengthsman.

Proposed: Sadie Densham
Second: Andrew Short
All in favour

A new process for approving minutes online was unveiled by Ali Crickmore. It is hoped that this will speed up the process of approving minutes for the website. It will be still necessary to confirm the approval at the following meeting for the record.

5. Matter Arising


6. Local Police Office and Neighbourhood Watch

No written report was on hand but the clerk noted that he had been reliably informed that on the previous evening there was one sergeant and three police officers to cover the hole of the Evesham and Malvern area.

The following report was received from Jane Hand via Sadie Densham.

“Jane has had real difficulty contacting the various departments/people at Wychavon/Safer Community team etc. Elliott has been on extended leave (not specified), Fay has not responded to communications and Mick Simpson, although continuing in his role has moved "north" and is now working part time!”.

Sadie had provided a draft of a letter to councillor by email prior to the meeting that it was proposed to hand deliver to the Grafton Flyford and North Piddle residents. The letter included a response slip.

Jane Hand has managed to gain commitment for a Home Security/Bike and Tool marking event for 9 November. We had hoped to fix this for September, but because of the problems getting someone from the Police to attend we've had to push it on to 9 November.

It was also agreed that a note would be drafted to post on the website.

7. Flyford Green

Residents had responded to a request concerning ideas for the use of the green. These were being collated by David Rhodes and will be available for the next meeting.

An open event will be held on 9th November 2024 alongside the Neighbourhood Watch event.

It was agreed an article would be written for the website concerning the use and development of the green.

Malcolm Jones and the school are to liaise about growing flowers on the Green to involve the children in gardening.

The clerk reported that the Land Registry had written concerning the registration of a charge over the land by Severn Trent. This was agreed some years ago and it seems that the Land Registry is just catching up with matters. The clerk will send this to the solicitors for advice.

The annual ROSPA safety check for the play equipment is due in October. The clerk was asked to arrange this inspection.

8. Flyford Pond

It was agreed to erect a simple post and rope fence around the pond for demarcation purposes. The clerk and Andrew Short to arrange this.

It was noted and agreed that the steps were not part of the claim for adverse possession.

A sign will be erected to explain that the parish council had applied for adverse possession of the pond.

9. Climate Change

There was a short discussion about community energy projects which the parish council might be able to lead. It was agreed that some more research was required to find out what other parish council might have undertaken. The matter to be brought back to a future meeting.

10. District/ County Councillors Report

County Councillors Report

 hope you have all enjoyed the summer break which seems to have gone very quickly. Officers at County have been taking their leave so there is not a lot to report.

We would like to hear your views on proposed changes to the school system in the Pershore area.

The consultation will explore proposals to change age ranges, combine schools and increase pupil numbers at schools in and around the Pershore. Schools have asked Worcestershire County Council to review the age ranges of the schools, so that there is a clear and consistent education pathway, and co-ordinated age range for children attending school in the local education planning area.

Historically, the education provision in Pershore has tended to follow a three-tier journey, where pupils attend first schools from age 4-9, transfer to middle schools at age 9-12 and then transfer to high school at age 12 to complete their education. However, some schools in the Pershore area have already completed the transition from three-tier to two-tier where pupils attend a primary school from age 4-11 with a transfer at age 11 to secondary school. Schools that have already converted to two-tier will not make any further changes.

The consultation runs from 2 September 2024 to noon on 29 September 2024 and provides an opportunity to have a say about what is important about age ranges of schools and transitions from one school to the next.

Before final decisions are made in November 2024 the results of the consultations will be considered by:

  • The Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Education for Abbey Park First and Middle schools and Fladbury CE First School
  • The Department for Education’s Regions Group for Crowle CE First School, Pinvin Federation, St. Barnabas CE First & Middle School and Pershore High School
  • The Governing Bodies of Defford-cum-Besford CE School and Upton Snodsbury CE First School

Councillor David Chambers, Cabinet Member for Education, said: “We have been actively collaborating with Pershore schools and Academy Trusts to develop a unified and transparent approach to changing age ranges in the school system. Parents, carers, pupils, school staff, and residents are encouraged to have their say on these proposed changes and help shape decisions that prioritise the education needs for current and future generations in the Pershore area.”

For more information and to have your say on the proposals, please visit: worcestershire.gov.uk/pershorereview

Please feel free to share the details of this survey with anyone you think may find it of interest.

Progress for secondary school and car park plans near hospital.

I am aware that this was discussed at our last meeting but please see below for an update including a proposed layout PLANS: Illustrative designs for the joint school and multi-storey car park project (Image: Ares landscape architects)

PROPOSALS for Worcester’s new secondary school and a multi-storey car park have made it through an early part of the planning process.

Plans for the school and an 850-space car park near Worcestershire Royal Hospital went on public display last month.

Worcestershire County Council has now adopted a Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Opinion for the project.

This is a technical consideration based on whether a proposal is likely to have a significant environmental impact.

In this instance, it was considered the school and car park plans would not be likely to result in significant environmental effects, in EIA terms.

The proposal itself is classed by the county council as a ‘hybrid application’ - it contains a full, detailed, application for the secondary school and outline plans for the multi-storey car park, which is hoped to ease the pressure on existing hospital car parks.

Planning applications for the two developments can now be submitted and will go to public consultation.

Worcester City Council, Warndon Parish Council and other agencies including Worcestershire Highways will also be consulted.

The plans will eventually be decided on by members of the county council’s planning and regulatory committee.

The car park scheme is being developed by Prime. It would be accessed off Nunnery Way (A4440) and the developer says it would reduce journeys on Newtown Road and ease congestion in and around the hospital site.

The joint application for the school aims to provide more school places in the city.

The proposed development comprises a 600 place mainstream secondary school for pupils between the age range of 11 and 16.

It was revealed earlier this year that the likely opening of the school has been pushed back to 2028, while the capital budget for the project has increased from £50 million to £59.9m, plus an additional £2.6m to help accommodate additional pupils at existing Worcester secondary schools.

Home Upgrade Grant Scheme (HUG2)

This scheme aims to enhance the comfort and energy efficiency of lower income households, that rely on heating methods other than mains gas central heating and offers free home energy efficiency improvements for eligible people.

To apply or for more information visit the Home Upgrade Grant Scheme (HUG2) on the Worcestershire County Council website.

Road Verge Management Survey Worcestershire County Council and Worcestershire Highways want to consult with Parish Councils to ask for their opinion, level of interest and potential level of capacity for taking on the management of some or all of the C and U roads within their parish boundary to manage them in line with best practice for promoting wildflowers, pollinators and other wildlife.

They have asked that you complete the following survey: online1.snapsurveys.com/interview/0b6c586a-30a2-449b-b7f5-ae58c556e7c6

11. Planning Matters

To report comment


Mr S Griffiths
Church Lane
Flyford Flavell

Extension and remodelling.

This is the official comment of the Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford and North Piddle Parish Council:

The Parish Council objects to this application for the following reasons: Re-modelling does not describe what is effectively an extension to an extension - and all before any building work has started on the original. The proposed development would be extreme over-development of the plot and totally out of keeping with the surrounding properties, in particular the enormous full height window which faces Church Lane and would dominate adjacent properties - especially the single story homes opposite. There is no mention of the site being adjacent to a listed building (Stedefield) which is not shown on the site plan. The plans do not reflect the heritage of the site and its close proximity to the Church - which is not shown. There are several photographs submitted with the application of the pond - which is not relevant to this application. The pond is not within the curtilage of Church Cottage - and is not owned by Church Cottage. This is not within the definition of an extension (it should be a much lower percentage development than this, ridge height lower than the current property, etc.). It is over development of this building on this plot - it is currently a cottage on a suitably sized plot and should not be replaced by effectively a new much larger property. The parking on site is constrained and impractical and will necessitate the reversing of cars onto the road. Manoeuvring vehicles on a much smaller car parking area would not be achievable thereby leading to issues with ingress and egress onto the highway. If agreed, parking and associated visibility will be reduced still further. Complaints about parking in the immediate vicinity are raised as a regular grievance at Parish Council meetings, and it would not be practical for vehicles to be parked in front of the property on Church Lane. There is no consideration of properties opposite (Conifers, Westerly) and the effect on their views (there is no street view, etc.). The housing stock in Church Lane predominantly consists of bungalows along with black/white timbered properties. The parish council has considered this application in light of its obligations to consider environmental issues. Should the planning officer be minded to recommend approval of this matter provision of bird and bat boxes on site should be considered and a Construction Environmental Management plan should be required. If the planning officer does recommend approval the parish council would like the matter to be brought to planning committee for final approval.


Mr Barratt
Harkaway Cottage
North Piddle

Addition dormer to annex.

No objection.

To report approvals


Mr Woodcock
Church Farm
Grafton Flyford

Replacement windows etc.


Mr Sanders
The Flyford Arms

Roof covering and Infill.


Mr & Mrs Gale
Bramble Lodge
Bishampton Road

Removal of condition 3 of W/87/00127.

Further to the agenda it was also reported: A planning application for The Paddock on Bishampton Road, Flyford Flavell has been received since the agenda had been issued. Although councillors shared some views at the meeting this will be dealt with in the usual way on the planning portal.

Neighbourhood Planning Sadie Densham offered to attend an online seminar concerning an update on neighbourhood Planning. It was noted that the new government has reaffirmed a commitment to Neighbourhood Planning but it was difficult to say if there was any greater benefit for us than previously discussed. There are still various views about how the new NPPF will affect the open countryside but if was agreed that we should remain very vigilant. The clerk agreed to complete the government consultation concerning the changes to the NPPF before the deadline of 24th September on behalf of the parish council.

The chairman stated that more weight should be given to the environment and transport and that any significant development should be accompanied by investment in infrastructure. These comments will be made in the response.

12. Transport and Highways Plan

Unfortunately, the report from Roy Fullee was not available for the meeting. The clerk will chase this up and circulate to councillors when it is ready.

Linda Robinson reported that she had progressed discussions with Highways concerning the sharks teeth for Radford Road. Highways had come back and said that they might be appropriate for all entrances into the village and a feasibility study was underway. The cost of this could come out of the councillors allowance.

There had still been no reply from Worcester County Council concerning a meeting with Marcus Bayliss. The chairman expressed the parish council’s frustration to Cllr Linda Robinson in no uncertain terms and both the clerk and Linda agreed to make a joint effort to make contact.

It was agreed that the data from the VAS on Bishampton Road would be posted onto the website.

The Flyford Flavell/ Radford Road Petition has now received 200 signatures. It was agreed that this would be handed in to the County Council at a full council meeting. As the meetings are not being held at County Hall at the moment it was suggested that it should be handed in when the meeting was next held at Wychavon which will be on 9th January 2025.

13. Footpaths Officer

Mrs Sarah Doughty had enquired about taking on the role of footpaths officer but had been told that at the present time the County Council did not have the resources to provide the necessary training.

14. Communication

Changes had been made to the website since the discussion at the last meeting. These had been devised to make the site more user friendly and more easily navigable. Some of the changes had in mind new commers to the area who wanted to find out what was going on.

The links page has been rearranged to make it more community orientated and a Facebook link has been placed on the Homepage.

A facility has been added so that the status of planning applications can be shown and a portal has been added so that draft minutes can be viewed by councillors.

A Zoom meeting was held between Ali Crickmore, Miles Wheeler-Smith and the clerk when it was explained how the site worked. It was agreed that Ali would encourage councillors to post more items of news on the site and a few other minor tweaks were agreed.

15. Treasurers Report

Current Acc: £2,358.64
Deposit Acc: £8,563.47

16. Any Other Business

The clerk noted that the notice boards were in need of repair and had a price of £600 to carry out the work. It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting. In the meantime, a further price for the repair will be obtained by Ali Crickmore.

It was noted that the clerk had circulated a consultation about the management of the road verges. It was agreed that the council should respond to this consultation as it may result in the parish council being able to take control of some of the verges and enhance the biodiversity. Andrew Short will respond.

It was noted that the Doggie Bag Dispenser was now in place on the Green.

It was agreed to carry out a litter pick over the weekend of 25th – 27th October.

It was noted that it was now time to order the defibrillator expendables. Ali Crickmore to advise the clerk of the requirements.

17. Date of Next Meeting

19th November, 2024