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The Flyfords

Our Next Meeting: 14th January, 2025

Agenda 21st May 2024

Notice is Given and Councillors are Summoned to Attend An Ordinary Meeting of
Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford & North Piddle Parish Council to be held at The Flyfords Hall

Tuesday 21st May 2024
Commencing at 7.30pm

AGM Agenda

1. Outgoing Chairman’s report

2. Election of Chairman and Declaration of Office of Chairman

3. Apologies for Absence

4. Declarations of Interest

5. Vacancies

  1. To consider co-option of members to council following shortfall of elected members
  2. Tree Warden and Footpaths Officer

6. To elect/appoint the Vice Chairman

7. Data Protection and appointment of Data Protection Officer

8. Re-adoption and amendment of Standing Orders

(These are the procedures of the council and can be found on the website)

9. Report from staffing Committee

10. Treasurer’s Report

(Presentation of accounts)

11. Parish Meeting

(Report from meeting and discussion about the process)


1. Acceptance of apologies

Written Report

2. Declaration of Interest

  1. To receive any report and discuss the proposed Management Group
  2. Protection of the Green

3. Public Participation

In accordance with Standing Order 49 a period not exceeding 15 minutes will be set aside at the start of the meeting for members of the public to ask a question or make a statement about any matter relating solely to any function of the Council or any planning application being considered by the Council. Anybody wishing to ask a question is requested to inform the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

4. Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on 19th March 2023

5. Report any Matters Arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda

For information only

6. Transport and Highways Matters

Presentation from Roy Fullee concerning A422 safety matters and other highways issues in the parishes

7. Flyford Green & Pond

To receive any updates.

8. Bio-diversity and Climate Mitigation

To receive report from the working group

9. Report from District and County Councillor

10. Local Police Office and Neighbourhood Watch

Report from NHW coordinator concerning roll our of SmartWater in Flyford Flavell

11. Planning Matters

To report comments

11.1 W/24/00747/FUL

Church Farm
Church Lane
Flyford Flavell

Agricultural Machinery Shed.

11.2 W/24/00707/ADV

Mr D Sanders
Flyford Arms
Flyford Flavell

Advertising Signs.

11.3 W/23/01034/FUL

Mr T Richmond
Church Cottage
Church Lane
Flyford Flavell

Extension to cottage and New Dwelling.

To report Decisions

11.4 W/23/02598/CLE

Mr & Mrs Smallcombe
Church Farm
North Piddle

Certificate of Lawfulness.

11.5 W/23/02135/FUL

W K Lewis & Partners
Yew Tree Farm

Extension to agricultural building.

To Discuss Comment

11.6 W/24/00849/FUL

Mr & Mrs Short
Church Lane
Flyford Flavell

Construction of new dwelling.

12. Highways/Footpaths

Footpath matter to be raised by Cllr Densham

13. 80th Anniversary D - Day Landings

To consider proposals for the renovation of the Flyford Flavell War Memorial

14. Flyford Favell Defibrillator

Provision of .gov email addresses

15. Any Other Business

Any items notified to the Parish Clerk between the publication of the agenda and the start of the meeting or other items Councillors wish to have included in the next meeting.

16. Date of Next Meeting

16th July 2024

This meeting is NOT available on Zoom due to a presentation which will make use of the Audio Visual System